I know the title is unwieldy, but I want to make sure this post is searchable. :). I also posted this on xfinity’s customer support forums. Like most people during the pandemic, we relied heavily on our internet connection. Both Lisa and I have been working from home, and thankfully Comcast/xfinity had been reliable through …
HP Stream Mini Desktop 200-010: An Inexpensive But Effective Media Machine
Sometimes, technology actually solves a problem. In this case, we have the HP Stream Mini Desktop 200-010, a $179 computer with the footprint that’s smaller than the average carryout box, yet delivers the goods as promised. I made my switch to being a full-time Mac user over 10 years ago, yet I still have a …
Continue reading HP Stream Mini Desktop 200-010: An Inexpensive But Effective Media Machine
The Number You Have Reached…
…has been disconnected. For the first time in my life, I do not have a home phone number. Last week, we decided to drop our landline telephone service. We did an informal-yet-enlightening analysis of our home phone usage, and here’s what led to our decision: Of all the inbound calls we get in a week (according to caller …
Streaming Media: WDTV Live Plus Review
We got rid of cable TV in November of 2009. Since then, we’ve been watching over-the-air TV and zipping through our Netflix queue, as well as spending a lot more time participating in non-passive entertainment. This means we’re a lot healthier and less zombie-like. Of course, we still have internet connectivity so the cable company …
In The Air (and Through The Wire)
As mentioned in this blog post, we got rid of cable TV in our house about 5 months ago. I figured this was a good time to give a status report. What have we missed? Not much. We’re not inclined to watch shows like “Jersey Shore,” and most of our former favorite channels– Food Network, …
In these economic times… okay, I admit that was a cheap way to start off this piece. I only did it because for the past year it’s become the hackneyed phrase of choice. I’ll start again. Like many people, we have a certain amount of money allocated for what can broadly be called “entertainment.” We …