There are only a couple of weeks during the year when the sun shines on the façade of the Chicago Board of Trade Building at the angle you see here. I happened to have my camera with me the other morning, so I captured it.
With the morning sun shining at this angle, you can really see the detail on the statues and carvings on the front of the building. Here’s a close-up:
I have a long history with this building: my first job in downtown Chicago was here (in 1986) and for a while I had an office on the 11th floor (next to the clock, to the right as you see it here) that looked up LaSalle Street. I spent many long hours, late nights, weekends, and holidays here. I was even involved in evacuating the building during the Chicago Flood of 1992.
Currently, I work across the street from the CBOT, so I get this view every day.
Here’s another shot of the building that I took on the morning of Bike the Drive, complete with eerily empty streets: