Return To Normal?

This was a big part of my life earlier this week:

Sure, it looks relaxing. 🙂 Actually, it was a nice followup to the MS150, but after running from car to airport to car to house then all over greater Scottsdale then to airport to plane to car to house.. followed by a full day at the waterpark yesterday, I am ready for a vacation from my vacation.
But enough of my griping. It was a great time. And I should have some new pictures up on the photo page soon.
The kids had a wonderful time, even though we didn’t do a lot. They were perfectly happy splashing in the pool most of the time. A couple trips to Sonic Burger and visits to all the area malls kept the “dry” times nice. Burning up roaming minutes under moonlight was a nice way to end my days.
This weekend will bring a visit with the kids’ cousins and grandparents today, the NFH party at Glenn’s tomorrow, and the AH Fourth of July parade on Monday, in which I will be either walking or driving a vehicle on behalf of the ABC/25 Foundation. (Above all this, my thoughts and positive energy are directed towards AZ this weekend.)
And then it’s back to work Tuesday, wishing for that “one more day off.”
