Independence Weekend Wrapup

Things I learned from walking in the Arlington Heights July 4th parade today (yeah, I know it’s the 5th.. why don’t they just call it “Independence Day?”):

  1. Tootsie Rolls fly very quickly with little effort.
  2. Frisbees are the most popular giveaway I’ve ever encountered.
  3. When a grandma says “Can I have one (meaning aforementioned Frisbees) for my granddaughter?” Don’t pull your arm back in a Frisbee-golf overhand manner— people will duck, thinking you’re serious.
  4. People like it when you hand them toys or candy. They do not like it when you give them leaflets.
  5. A large segment of the population does not know the difference between a Hummer and a 1973 Volkswagen Thing. We had the latter.
  6. When in a parade, try to avoid walking behind the vehicle. There’s carbon monoxide back there, and you will get lightheaded.
  7. Also, try to avoid being behind an animal shelter’s float. Your shoes will thank you.
  8. All those beauty pageant contestants were right: it is hard to keep smiling all that time.

Considering I’ve never been in a parade before, I have to say it was a pretty cool experience.
Last night I had the kids at Glenn’s annual NFH party. Lots of food, beverages, water balloons, and fun. The dunk tank was a big hit with the kids, as was the fire department’s dousing them for about 20 minutes with the giant hoses. It really was a slice of Suburbia USA: at dusk, the lightning bugs came out as if on queue, followed by the mosquitos. Then we had the “Stop, Drop and Roll” Fireworks Display (aptly named for previous years, but no mishaps this year). The drive home was the coolest, though: watching several towns’ fireworks displays simultaneously while driving up 294.
I wonder if I’ll remember my password when I get back to work tomorrow.
