Things Learned

Things I learned on my week off that just ended:
– My favorite rides at Great America are still The Demon, The American Eagle, and Batman;
– The crowd we walked through at The Mane Event in downtown AH Friday Night ultimately reached 12,000 people;
– It took almost a gallon of primer and a gallon of paint to do my kitchen (photos to come);
– The Ilo DVD04 is proving to be a pretty good value in DVD recorders;
Sky High is a pretty cute movie– Emma really liked it, too– although they could have broken the Disney mold by using the original artists’ versions of the songs in the soundtrack. I mean, TMBG does a good job of Devo’s “Through Being Cool,” but Bowling For Soup doing “I Melt With You?” Come on.
– Ikea on a Saturday Afternoon is always a bad idea. Although we decided “North To Ikea” (the sign on the Schaumburg Free Trolley) would make a great album name;
– The episode of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 featuring The Giant Gila Monster is still the best;
– Smithwick’s Ale ($4.00 a pint this month at Peggy’s) is pretty good;
– Toma Rosa’s pizza is astonishingly delicious;
– One more day off would be nice.
And so the new work week begins. 🙂
