The Best Intentions of Spring Aft Gang in Another Direction

My plan this year was to plant and maintain my plot at Cypress Gardens so that by this time of year I would have all sorts of vegetables and flowers filling the trunk of my car.
In April, I went out there and put up my chicken wire fence, and in May I bought some mulch and made a few pathways and planted some sunflower seeds just to get started. I planned on planting tomatoes, all sorts of peppers, and maybe even watermelon or cantaloupe.
Well, the summer got away from me. You can see the results above.
I went there this morning to clear out the stuff I left in the plot, and while my little section of the world was overgrown (I like to call it a “prairie preserve”) I happened to notice that my sunflowers were the tallest in all of Cypress Gardens. If you head south on Arlington Heights Road, you can still see them– they’re past their prime, but still standing, right there in the middle of everything.
I think gardening will have to wait until I can just step outside my door instead of driving a mile.
