A John Hughes Moment

As I’ve mentioned here before and most recently on the Fourth Time Around podcast, my favorite holiday movie is Planes, Trains, and Automobiles. So I did a little search on the movie and came up with the “Which John Hughes Character Are You?” quiz. I hate these quizzes; they’re a waste of time.
Oh, here’s my result:

You are Clark Griswold (from National Lampoon’s
Vacation)! You’re full of optimism and
boundless energy, and no one loves a good
family trip more. No one else can swear a blue
streak like you either, Sparky!

Which John Hughes Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

That said… here we are, two days before Thanksgiving, and what would you be doing right now if you were Neal Page?
– First, you’d be sitting in a conference room in New York waiting for your client to make up his mind about an ad campaign. Oh, and you’d be sitting across from Ferris Bueller’s dad.
– After losing a cab to Kevin Bacon and tripping over some guy’s trunk in the street, you get to the airport to find your plane is delayed. And you meet the guy whose trunk you tripped over.
– You spend the night in Wichita.
Hope I’m not giving too much away. 🙂
