You Done With That Machine?

One of the things I’ve noticed since I started working out is the fact that when I slow down (as in, not going to the gym enough) my energy level drops dramatically. Today was one such day, and I started feeling zombiefied after lunch, and I know what caused it. So, it was over to the gym for the full circuit tonight. Now I’m feeling much better, thank you.
I had a little help with the energy, though: on my way to the car, I stopped at Urban Harvest and they sold me this evil seven-layer cookie bar thing that had enough sugar to get me buzzed by the time I reached the health club. I burned through it pretty quickly, ’cause as I sit here at Panera in Schaumburg (yay to free internet again) I’m about to crash.
(Placeholder: I just wrote this really whiny bit about how some of the female clients at my club hog the abduction and adduction machines, but I deleted it. I’ll save it for later, so when you do see it, just mentally stick it in this spot right here.)
One more note on Satan’s iPod, by the way: you can get to those postings directly by entering Ahh, the wonderment of being able to buy a domain for under 10 bucks.
Today’s lyric is on the next page.

From the Tribalistas CD, this is a very pretty, very simple song, almost a combination of a waltz, a lullaby, and chamber music.
Despite (or maybe because of) its simplicity, the song has always struck me hard and deep, but recent events have made it even moreso. Enjoy.
