It’s Growing Green

It was another beautiful Spring day in Chicago, and the song on the next page has been running through my head all day. From XTC’s Skylarking, this is a little tune about the seasonal changes and who’s behind it all. (It’s also a display of Andy Partridge’s wordsmithing, in his ability to rhyme “umbilical” and …


Pączki Day

If you’ll remember last year’s posting about Pączkis… well, today being Fat Tuesday, Glenn did it again. I had a dozen of these things sitting in my cube at about 9:00 am, and it’s now about 3:00 pm and there are three and half left (yeah, a half…). I only had one today, so I …





I’d Like Some Kaffi Tunnulik

Suppose you’re wandering around Greenland and you get a hankering for some really good Chinese food. Well, you no longer have to dream about the place around the corner back home: you can just mosey over to the Misigisaq Restaurant. The menu is interesting, and as far as appetizers go I’m torn between the


C30 C60 C90 Go

A couple weeks ago, I was listening to Bow Wow Wow’s “C30 C60 C90 Go” and realized how appropriate the song is today, 20-some years after its release. It’s a tribute to portable cassette players and the beauty of being able to record what you want and carry it with you. The song also promotes …





As we approach Memorial Day, veterans all over the country will be accepting donations and distributing poppies in honor of the people we’ve lost in war. This effort seems much more poignant these days. The significance of the poppy and its relation to veterans goes back to World War I. During the conflict, there were …
