My Name is Joe, and I am a new Mac user (Days One and Two)

My new iBook arrived on Friday morning. (I was hassled by certain individuals about my “stalking” its shipment through FedEx’s tracking site.)
The computer is a 12″ iBook G4 with an 80 GB hard drive. I added 512 MB of memory so the total onboard now is 768 MB. It’s also got the Airport Extreme card, so I can surf wirelessly. I bought a Kensington Optical Mouse, too.
I spent part of Friday getting familiar with the machine, which consisted mostly of installing the memory and getting the computer to talk on my network.
A snowstorm blew in that evening, so we were pretty much locked in on Saturday. I managed to get a lot done then, including transferring my Quicken files, all my MP3s, and loading up apps like Office: mac, Palm Desktop, and the Real and Windows Media players.
So far, things are moving pretty smoothly. Being a longtime Windows user, the new environment does take some getting used to, but I’m adjusting pretty easily.
I am having a difficult time getting network printing to work. The Mac can see the Samsung printer that’s attached to my XP box, but it doesn’t actually want to print to it. For now, I’m just going to plug the cable directly into the computer.
More to follow as I get deeper into this…
