Flattened Experience

Emma’s class is reading a book called Flat Stanley. This is the story of a kid who gets squashed to half an inch thick, but otherwise remains completely normal. He has all kinds of neat adventures as a result of his two-dimensionality.
The standard third-grade project that goes along with reading the book involves the kids making their own Stanleys and mailing them to friends and family, so they can take Stanley on adventures.
Emma chose her dad to receive her Stanley. 🙂 When I opened the letter, she was standing right there, and she instructed me to take Stanley to work, since I work in a landmark building.
Today, Stanley had a nice time in the city. He also sat in a conference call on my behalf, which was pretty nice of him.
I was thinking of treating him to a margarita at Dos, but I’d worry that he would accidentally be used as a coaster.
There’s still time for more adventures, so if they happen I will be sure to share.
