Chain Commitment

Well, I went ahead and ordered the new bike I told you about the other day. It’s supposed to be ready next Thursday, which will be a very cool thing. I was able to take a demo model out on the street today, and despite the awful weather I put it through its paces.
Glenn asked me if the bike was going to be a male or a female. I think I’ll have to wait until I “meet” it to determine its gender. And maybe a name, too– “Allez” is okay, but we’ll see if this thing has a personality.
Last night, Bob and I enjoyed a couple of Harp lagers at Peggy’s. He also provided some new knives for his web site, which I’ll be updating soon. (The Friends finale was on in the bar, and at one point one of the bartenders yelled, “Is anyone watchin’ this?” and turned the channel.)
Tonight: shopping to fill that beverage-laden fridge I showed you guys the other day. I may even take another picture just to prove that I am on more than a liquid diet.
